Home Road Water Plant
The City of Columbus currently owns and operates three water plants, collectively supplying an average of 145 million gallons per day of drinking water to Columbus and surrounding central Ohio communities. The continued growth of population and industry in central Ohio, along with the need to increase reliability and resiliency across the water supply system, has driven the need for additional water capacity.
The design process for the fourth water plant was initiated in winter 2023 by the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) with the goal of bringing the new facility online by the end of 2028. The new Home Road water plant will be built on DPU-owned property along the Scioto River at the southeast corner of Home and Dublin roads in Delaware County.
Survey crews will conduct ecological surveys and field walks along the entire length of the recommended transmission main corridors from now through the end
of 2024. All work will be within the road right-of-way.
Click HERE for updated plant info.